Directors & Officers Insurance
Directors & Officers Insurance
Innovation. Business strategy. Risk-taking. Vision. You’re looking for all that and more in your directors and officers. And that means you need Directors and Officers Insurance to make sure they can comfortably put those assets to work for your company throughout their decision-making responsibilities.
In an age of increasing litigation, claims from current and former employees, clients and shareholders are made against companies and against the directors and officers with increasing frequency. And since those directors and officers can be held individually responsible for the acts of the company, it’s no surprise that rather than risk their personal assets, most directors and officers want to be protected by Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance.
D&O provides financial protection for the directors and officers of your company if they are sued in relation to their performance of their duties to your company. Public companies, nonprofits, and private companies alike should evaluate their situation and consider Director and Officers Liability Coverage. If your company does not carry this insurance, and you are finding it difficult to attract or keep the talent your company needs on its board, it’s time to talk with the experienced commercial insurance professionals at the Cushman Insurance Group.