Motorcycle Insurance
Motorcycle Insurance
Just like automobile insurance, motorcycle insurance protects you and it protects your motorcycle. And there are numerous factors that need to be considered in preparing the right policy for you.
Consider the following:
• Rates for motorcycle insurance depend on a range of factors including your age, the style of motorcycle you ride, your driving history, where you live, and where you store your bike.
• How you ride your motorcycle also affects rates. Do you ride all year or do you store it in the winter?
• Do you have passengers? (Unlike auto insurance, passengers are not automatically covered by your policy.)
• Are you strictly a street rider or do you race on a track or ride off-road?
• Riders who have taken motorcycle driving safety courses are usually eligible for a discount rate.
• Uninsured and underinsured motorist protection is critical coverage to add to your base policy.
• If you already have auto insurance, we’ll check to see if there are discounts available if we place your policy with the same insurance carrier. (There frequently are!)
And like auto insurance, you’ll need to decide whether to choose just liability coverage (covering your financial responsibilities in an accident) or comprehensive insurance including collision protection. (Protecting your motorcycle if it’s damaged in an accident or other circumstance beyond your control like theft, fire and vandalism.) Our experienced agents will help you evaluate all of your options and prepare the right policy for you, your lifestyle, and your bike.
Ride safely. Ride with the comfort of knowing your motorcycle insurance is with the Cushman Insurance Group.