Boating is more than just a hobby, it’s a way of life for many people, especially here in New England. With the joys of boating come the responsibilities, and it’s important to think about the proper way to insure your boat. Boat insurance is designed to protect you, your passengers, and your vessel from various risks that come with boating. These risks can range from accidents and collisions to theft, vandalism, and natural disasters.
Insurance provides a layer of financial protection in the event of damage or an accident. Also, marinas often legally require you to have your boat insured in order to dock there. It will also simply give you peace of mind knowing that you’re covered any time you’re on the water.
What Gets Covered?
For you and your boat:
Damage to your boat's: hull, sails, equipment, furnishings, motor, and trailer
New boat replacement for new boats
Agreed hull value or actual cash value
Fuel spill liability
Medical payments
Salvage coverage and wreck removal
Uninsured boater protection
For others:
Damage to another boat
Damage to other property caused by your boat
Bodily injury/death of another person
Optional insurance coverages:
Multiple towing options, on and off the water
Disappearing deductibles
Coverage for your personal property
Coverage for your fishing equipment
Ice/freeze coverage
When considering boat insurance, think about the type of boat you have, navigational limits, the claims process, and deductibles. Boat insurance is a crucial aspect of responsible boating. By understanding your coverage options and choosing what’s best for you and your boat, you can navigate the waters safely with peace of mind.