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Top Tips to Protect your Business Online

With criminals hacking into government agencies and private corporations, 2019 has been a banner year when it comes to cyberattacks. To protect your company and your customers’ data, you may want to consider investing in cyber liability insurance — however, it’s also important to be proactive when it comes to cybersecurity. We’ve compiled our top tips and insights you can implement with a business of any size.

Encourage ‘Safe Browsing’

Encourage a culture of "safe browsing" by alerting your staff about suspicious links and attachments they may receive from unknown sources when using company devices. Your average cyber hacker typically targets organizations that have unsecured databases, as these types of “access points” are efficient ways for them to access your programs and data.

Install Protective Software

It is important to ensure that all of your devices are equipped with strong antivirus software and are updated regularly. Antivirus systems help combat malware like viruses, computer worms, spyware, botnets, etc. They also have functions that scan, detect, and remove all viruses from your computer. You may also want to consider adding an extra layer of protection by using a safeguarded internet software. If your business runs on Wi-Fi, it is highly recommended to have it be password protected.

Use Strong Passwords

Having password-protected files on your computer is one of the best and most effective ways to prevent hackers from getting access to your sensitive documents. You may want to consider revising your employee password policy to include the following:

- Implement a multi-factor (in other words two-step factor) authentication that requires additional information to gain entry. #ProTip: you can ask your software vendors and financial institutions to see if they offer multi-factor authentication for your accounts.

- Instill a company-wide password policy that includes the following:

  • All passwords should be complex and difficult to guess.

  • Dictionary words, common phrases, and names should be avoided.

  • Replace some letters with numbers and characters, and mix up the capitalization. Example: Cu$Hm@n123!

  • Employees must choose unique passwords for all of their company accounts, rather than using a password they use for a personal account.

  • All passwords must be changed regularly, with the frequency varying based on the sensitivity of the account in question.

  • If you get a notification stating it appears an unauthorized person has logged in or tried to log into the account, change your password immediately.

Educate Your Employees

Educating your employees about cyber security is essential to keep your business safe online. Along with hosting a formal training for your team, you may want to consider planning on-going discussions and education courses throughout the year. ‘Lunch-and-learns’ provide a great opportunity to get teams together to have an informal forum to ask any questions they have, discuss news-worthy breaches, and receive a refresher about cyber security best practices.

By implementing these steps into your organization, you are taking the first step to protect yourself, your business, and your valued customers from a potential data breach. Be sure to talk to your Cushman insurance agent if you have any questions or concerns on your organization’s well being. We’ll make sure you have the optimal insurance policy for your business and that you are protected with the right cyber liability policy:



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