RV & ATV Insurance
RV & ATV Insurance
The biggest mistake some RV owners make is to insure their motor home with an automobile insurance policy. Then, if a claim arises, they discover that their insurance doesn’t provide the unique coverage their RV requires. At Cushman Insurance Group, we understand all of the differences and can prepare the right policy for your RV and your RV lifestyle.
Aside from the standard protection you would have for an automobile, RV insurance covers a range of risks specific to motor homes. There are also additional coverage options that may make sense for your situation, for example:
• Personal belongs protection (e.g. furniture, appliances and personal possessions within your RV) Keep in mind that most homeowner policies have limits on off-premises coverage so a loss would likely not be covered by your homeowner policy.
• Coverage for attached accessories like awnings, external air conditioners, satellite dishes, antennas.
• Campsite/Vacation liability coverage—protecting you when you are parked and using your motor home as a residence.
• Do you use your RV year-round or do you store your motor home for a portion of the year. (You can suspend portions of your coverage during those times of year and save premium dollars.)
There are numerous factors that affect the cost of your insurance protection. The agents of the Cushman Insurance Group can recommend the best package at a very competitive price. They’ll review your RV history, your current situation—including other insurance policies you carry or associations you belong to in order to determine if discounts are available. Then, with insurance protection through Cushman, you can hit the road confident you have your local, experienced insurance professional just a phone call away.
Another mistake you can make is to assume that your ATV is covered by your homeowner insurance. As far as theft is concerned, depending on your policy that may or may not be the case when your ATV is on your own property. But it’s seldom the case when you ride off your own land. Cushman Insurance Group can arrange a dedicated policy to protect you and your ATV wherever you ride. And we’ll make sure to take advantage of any available discounts based on safety courses taken and/or multiple vehicles insured.